When we went to get some adorable Totoro cream puffs from Shiro-Hige’s Cream Puff Factory, we had to find a lunch spot, since the cafe at the Cream Puff Factory was full with a long wait. We walked around, looking at all the options, until we found this spot with enticing photos of hamburg steaks called Torokeru Otonano Hambarg. If I translated word for word, it would be “Melting Adult’s Hamburg” – meaning hamburg steak for adults that melt in your mouth. How could we possibly resist??? The entrance was down the alley, with entrance door almost hidden in the back. Just follow the loads of advertisement posters lined up all the way.

It was nearly full when we entered, but we were able to get the counter seats. However, luckily for us, a table right behind us opened up within a few minutes, and the staff told us we could move to the table if we preferred. Thank you! The inside is not that big, about eight or so counter seats with handful of tables.

Hamburg steak is such a staple Japanese comfort food, it is such a great dish, loved by so many, of all ages. We wanted their top selling, most popular dish, Otonano Hamburg (Hamburg Steak for Adults). I ordered their regular size, or Medium size (1,480 yen), that comes with a choice of sauce and a side of white rice. There were bibs on the table, and I knew that we had to be prepared before the food arrived…

It came steaming hot, with the oil bubbling and sizzling. Yes, having a bib is to protect your clothes just in case if the oil spatters a bit too wildly. This was such an exiting site and sound, we were in awe! Although they offered five different kinds of sauce, we both went with their original, Matured Adult Sauce (熟成大人のソース). There was a written instruction with steps on how to best enjoy this hamburg steak on the table. It said that we should cut the hamburg steak and dip it in the sauce, rather than pouring the sauce on the piping hot plate, to avoid wild splatter. Thank you for that warning!
Their hamburg steak is made of 100% Kuroge Wagyu Beef, a kind that is known as “Japanese Black Beef” (黒毛和牛), which is the perfect amount of marbling on the meat. And that is the secret to melt-in-your-mouth hamburg steak! It was so amazingly juicy, packed with flavor, and yes, melt in your mouth!!! And look at this egg, with bright orange yolk! They get their egg from Ooita prefecture, the “healthy” egg from chickens raised in a nature. The egg is called “Ranoo Egg” (蘭王玉子) and you can really see the difference with the color, brightness, and flavor!

My husband order the same dish, but went for the Large (2,100 yen). With that, the side of rice is also large portion, a small mountain formed in the bowl. The hamburg steak was visibly larger as well. The hamburg steak is brought to the table when it is medium rare. From there, you can let it cook on the super hot plate to your liking. I prefer medium rare, so I was ready to get in immediately! Yum!

His egg also gave that perfect egg porn… It was amazing! The original sauce is made with red wine that was aged for two days, garlic, and onion. It was really good, went perfectly with the hamburg steak. Had such deep flavor, yes, great for adult! They do have sauce that kids would like also, such as Teriyaki sauce, and Yuzu Kosho (pepper) Mayonnaise. The side of veggies were nice too, getting grilled nicely on the hot plate.

Their bathroom is located in the back left, just one gender neutral bathroom. It is a small bathroom, but clean and well stocked. I love how most Japanese restaurant has the washlet toilet! And, if you are worried about having garlic breath when you are out on a date…not to worry! Torokeru Otonano Hamburg has your back!

They have everything you need to clean out your teeth AND your breath! They had a bottle of mouthwash with little cups for you to use, so you can get all refreshed having a satisfying and delicious meal. Thank you!

We had a great lunch here at Torokeru Otonano Hamburg. We absolutely LOVED our hamburg steaks! They recommended ending with their special dessert, Otonano Pudding. That sounded exciting, but we chose the Totoro cream puff for our dessert. So, I can’t speak for their pudding, but I am sure it is great. I would love to go back again to get their amazing hamburg steak again though. It was beyond delicious!
Torokeru Otonano Hamburg Shimokitazawa- 2 Chome-26-25 Kitazawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo
下北沢 とろける大人のハンバーグ – 東京都世田谷区北沢 2-26-25, アーロム下北沢 1F